Three projects i'm working on

Three projects i'm working on

As of right now i’m effectively working working on three different projects.


The first is a an electronic soundtrack to a non existent movie I thought up to force me to learn new skills in music composition. The final product will be an album of about 15 tracks that tell a sonic story through a different genres. If the movie was real it would consist of (you guessed it) a dystopian future where two factions are at war with one another. All the tracks are composed, half of them are mixed and about a quarter are mastered. Mastering an entire album has been a journey in and of itself as it usually takes me about week of listening to a single track before im completely satisfied. So far my skills in this area are weak, but I’m working through various tutorials and classes to try and elevate my skills.

Gundam EXIA 00 [Master Grade] Custom

While my entire gunpla building studio is packed in a container and waiting to ship to the US, I have in the meantime invested in some basic tools so I can start on this project. I first build the entire model while loosening all the parts (removing clips, snap mechanisms and widening channels) so that I can disassemble it and start with customization. Pictured below is my current setup, while next to that is my studio which is waiting to ship.

A tail of Ash

I’m in the process of putting together concept art and setting up my workflow for a game I want to make in Unreal engine called “A tail of Ash”. This project is still in its very early days but im slowly starting to develop a concept and build up a world. At the moment I’m using a customized tool called Obsidian (which syncs across all my devices) that acts as my knowledge base for all ideas and so far I’m loving it. I like it so much that i’ll probably do a seperate post detailing how I use it in the future.